Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Top Ten Toolkit: A Web Gallery

Kren, Emil (Ed.) (2011). Web Gallery of Art. Retrieved from: http://wga.hu

I was going to hold off on using suggesting this as a resource, but you know what? It's just so frickin' awesome. I changed my mind yesterday, when I was looking for specific works to relate to this reading comprehension lesson plan. Their collection is extensive, since they compile sources from just about everywhere. It's easily navigable, the information is accurate and concise, and the picture quality is great.

Here's some uses:
  • images collection for art history instruction
  • student's independent research for art history
  • images for brochure research project! =D
  • general resource for confirming names, dates (I'm terrible with dates), titles, styles, etc.
My only beef with this is that they're focused exclusively on European art.

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