Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Top Ten Toolkit: Think Aloud

Yeah, after that last post on Saturday, I thought I'd go ahead and just claim the Think Aloud as a very good strategy. I think its pretty adaptable too. Other than comic book reading, here are some other ways we can use the Think Aloud in art instruction:

  • talking about art. You can read a lot into a painting, and talking about a work of art, pointing out various features, your impressions of what you're seeing, speculating about artist intentions... that's a good modeling strategy. 
  • since we're talking about art critique, get your kids to talk about their peer's artwork in that Think Aloud manner. If you're modeling it regularly during a lesson, they'll emulate that when it comes to art assessment. 
  • .... okay, that's all I can think of. 

1 comment:

  1. I really like your think aloud example and I hope to use it as an example with your permission!
