Monday, July 11, 2011

Top Ten Toolkit: An Art Magazine

Attaboy, & Owens, A. (Eds.) (2011). Hi Fructose, volume number (19)

When looking for good reading material over the weekend, I remembered I had bought this magazine about a month back, because it had a really awesome cover page.

Lamb with tree branch antlers on an ice sheet in the ocean. I am totally onboard.
You can't find information on contemporary artists in textbooks. You can't. Unless you buy the latest edition... publish four months prior. Most public schools will never have this kind of budget.

But magazines are cheap! And up to date! And their information is relevant! And they publish them regularly! Could I ask for anything more?

Have a monkey.
Christophe Roberts uses Nike shoe boxes in his animal sculptures to address issues of consumerism and environmentalism. In post-modern art, the material of the piece has become as important as the subject matter. How does material further communicate the message? What emotions are expressed through portraying these violent animals?

The text is rich, descriptive, and gives these artists the credit they deserve.

Yeah, aren't you just dying to read the rest of the article? Martin Wittfooth is showcased in this issue, as seen in the cover. Here is another one of his works. I think this is one of my favorites.

Red Soil; red has a tendency to draw people in and get them excited.

What do you think this artist's hopes are? How does the setting lend itself to the composition? Would this message not be as powerful if the corpse was in a forest? What do you think the color red symbolizes here? I love this guy's work. He's bringing Surrealism into the 21st century, and I like it.

There is so much diversity in this magazine. Check this out.

You think that's great, you should see his talking head teapots. =3 No, I'm not making that up.

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