Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Top Ten Toolkit: More books.

Hobbs, J., Salome, R., and Vieth, K., (2010). The Visual Experience. Worchester: Davis Publication.

I was introduced to Davis Publications last year when I had to buy text books for a particular art ed class. I love this publisher because they offer materials exclusively for art education, and it's good material too. I've seen The Visual Experience used as a major instructional tool in the high school art classroom. And it's really great. Very explicit about formal properties of art, gives step-by-step instruction on traditional techniques, shows student artwork.

My one beef: you can't learn how to make art exclusively from reading a book. I would hate to create that misconception. You learn how to make art by making it. But we've all benefited from reading about our subject. And to be honest, sometimes I'm awful at giving an explanation. =P

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