Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Top Ten Toolkit: Point of View Guide

This is a neat little technique to use to get students to think outside of their own perspectives when thinking critically about a subject. In this case, it's another way for students to look at art, by putting themselves in the role of the artist.
  1. Eyes
    • What am I seeing? 
    • What am I envisioning? 
    • What do I want others to see?
  2. Head
    • What am I thinking?
    • What is my purpose in making this art?
    • What inspires me?
    • What were my initial ideas for this piece?
  3. Hands
    • How did I make this artwork?
    • What could I have done differently?
  4. Ears
    • What are people saying about my artwork?
    • How are they reacting to it?
    • Do people understand its message?
I think this would be a real thought-provoking activity for works of art that many would look at and say, "okay... why is this art?" Because there's a lot of art out there that gets that precise reaction. I'll admit, I used to look at some works of modern art like that.

Actually, I still do that. Takes a little bit of critical inquiry for me to come to appreciate it.

And sometimes, I come to the conclusion that it's bad art. XD

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